Mensen krijgen persoonlijke leningen voor diverse verschillende redenen; consolidatie van de schuld, bruiloften, huwelijksreizen, of zelfs te kopen van een huis of auto. Een persoonlijke lening kan goed zijn voor iemand die is in de schulden, of slecht krediet heeft. Als u slecht krediet hebt, moet u wellicht te graven een beetje dieper bij het zoeken naar een geldschieter. Sommige kredietverstrekkers hebben een minimum credit score die je moet voldoen om in aanmerking te komen in aanmerking voor een lening.
U gaat eerst bepalen waarom u een persoonlijke lening krijgt. Als u slecht krediet hebt en wil graag een lening om een huis of een auto te kopen, zou je beter af te wachten zodat u kunt uw krediet opbouwen en voor een werkelijke auto of thuis lening toepassen. Mensen die leningen voor kleine op korte termijn projecten krijgen, een persoonlijke lening kan worden net genoeg voor deze projecten. Wanneer u hebt besloten wat je gaat doen met de lening, en hoeveel je denkt dat je moet, is het tijd om te praten met kredietverstrekkers.
Neem contact op met uw persoonlijke bank om te zien wat voor soort lening opties ze hebben voor u. Als je de aanbieding ze geven u en zijn OK met de rentevoeten, dan voel je vrij om aan te melden voor die lening. U kunt echter nog steeds voor uiterlijk ergens anders zodat u de beste deal kunt. Als u slecht krediet hebt, moet u wellicht om online voor wat kredietverstrekkers persoonlijke leningen geven voor mensen met slecht krediet te zoeken.
Afhankelijk van wat uw credit score is, zal de kredietverstrekkers een zekere lening. Het bedrag mogelijk die je voor uw lening krijgen kunt kan ook afhangen die u de lening van krijgt. Het rentepercentage is ook een vast bedrag. Kredietverstrekkers kunnen geven u een ander bedrag van tijd tot terugbetaling van de lening; 12, 24, 36, 48 en 60 maanden. Maandelijkse betalingen kunnen lager door het hebben van een langere terugbetalingsperiode van, maar de rente kan uiteindelijk hoger.
Bij het aanvragen van een persoonlijke lening, contact op met uw bank eerst omdat u al een account met hen houden en zien of ze geen opties voor u hebben. Als u niet zoals de opties de banken hebben, of zijn niet goedgekeurd om redenen van credit, doe wat onderzoek om te zien welke geldschieter zal worden voor u het beste. Als alles ok met de lening aanbieding lijkt en je comfortabel over de details van de overeenkomst voelt, dan moet je goed om te gaan.
dinsdag 18 oktober 2011
Hoe kunt u uw eigen persoonlijke lening het beste vinden?
vrijdag 14 oktober 2011
There's nothing like positive reinforcement from yourself
There's nothing like positive reinforcement from yourself - this comes from my days playing tennis btw with no knowlege of hypnosis or NLP etc; simply think of all the great and successful times you have had in the game and visualise them evey day, when ever you find yourself walking or with a free moment.
hypnosis and NLP can only take you so far, friend... the only thing that will give you rock hard self esteem is to believe in yourself and vrouwen verleiden to achieve your goals. the only thing that will do that is to undo all the social programing and shit you have gone through all your life until now. its hard, and hypno and NLP will help with it... but the thing that will cement it for you is seeing results from learning the game.
the first time you do something you never before thought possible you will realise that you CAN be the man you KNOW you are. that one moment will change you forever because its the moment you realise its not just other guys talking shit.
hypnosis and NLP can only take you so far, friend... the only thing that will give you rock hard self esteem is to believe in yourself and vrouwen verleiden to achieve your goals. the only thing that will do that is to undo all the social programing and shit you have gone through all your life until now. its hard, and hypno and NLP will help with it... but the thing that will cement it for you is seeing results from learning the game.
the first time you do something you never before thought possible you will realise that you CAN be the man you KNOW you are. that one moment will change you forever because its the moment you realise its not just other guys talking shit.
Developing a more positive self perception
Positive self talk. Reframe every negative thought you have about anything (Yourself, your life, your game) into something positive (ive found since ive been doing this I can find a positive angle on almost anything that happens to me).
While you are sitting on the train to work think to yourself "I like my self, I like my life, I am attractive, its easy to meet women/men ect ect". Try to beleive it while you think it, If you have trouble believing it at first while your thinking about it remember one time when it was true e.g one night when you where feeling confident, one girl who was really attracted to you. Do this through consciouse effort with the goal of vrouwen versieren until it becomes habbit.
Dont complain or say anything bad about anything or anyone unless it will acheive something e.g if someone is being rude to you, then you might need to say something negative to assert yourself.
Although there are dozens of visualisation and self hypnosis exercises which work as well they take time and commitment whereas positive self talk is something that you can do all the time. Read "what to say when you talk to yourself" Which ive found super useful.
While you are sitting on the train to work think to yourself "I like my self, I like my life, I am attractive, its easy to meet women/men ect ect". Try to beleive it while you think it, If you have trouble believing it at first while your thinking about it remember one time when it was true e.g one night when you where feeling confident, one girl who was really attracted to you. Do this through consciouse effort with the goal of vrouwen versieren until it becomes habbit.
Dont complain or say anything bad about anything or anyone unless it will acheive something e.g if someone is being rude to you, then you might need to say something negative to assert yourself.
Although there are dozens of visualisation and self hypnosis exercises which work as well they take time and commitment whereas positive self talk is something that you can do all the time. Read "what to say when you talk to yourself" Which ive found super useful.
inner game,
positive self perception
maandag 10 oktober 2011
Online dating tips from a professional online dater
I think the whole online gratis datingsites thing is a very tricky arena indeed. If you use a dating site you're a loser who can't score with women. That's the sales pitch. That's the stereotype, the default. And for the most part it's actually true. So you've got to say from the start "Hold the phone, that's all those guys, but not me".
Here's what I put as my description of me:
* My life is the most fun I've ever had :p Want to know why? This isn't the place to find out... Hit the Email Me button instead :p
So I haven't given any details, I've just said email me. I'm kind of mysterious like rencontre gratuit style, and I'm not trying too hard... I'm certainly not about to beg and plead and say how I drive a fast car or I'm loyal as a puppy or something. Here's what I put in the what you're looking for box:
* Alright so I've got my pad, got my career, I've got mates & we have a laugh... So you have five minutes to tell me where you fit in the picture.... Go!
I've kind of buckled with that one, but only a bit. I rush past the fact I have a place (not at my parents), and have some kind of job, but the focus of that line is demanding the girl justify herself. By putting her on the spot, she's right the opposite of where she expects to be. The sentence reads " Actually I don't need to be here, and frankly I don't need to bother with you. Why are you worth my time? ". That's what she does with you, she thinks why are you worth her time, but this time I got there first. That's a crucial first step, break the mould from the start.
So I see this girl and I want to mail her, what do I do. Again a lot of guys say "Hey you're so hot, I really like you... You think we could chat online please please please..." .
I try to visualise when I send her a mail, that I have five seconds to say something to her, cause I'm so busy with my life, and it'll never be about how much I lurve her etc. I might write something like this:
* Hey are you good at advice? I need a woman's opinion
* Has anyone ever done the cube on you? I'll do it on you, it'll tell you loads of deep stuff bout yourself :p
I just want to initially send her this burst of contact that is short, snappy, and leaves her wondering what's coming next. And has nothing to do with compliments or liking her. If she's hot she probably gets 100 messages a day liking her and stuff.
When I get chatting to her, I totally play it like it was a set. Ignore her looks, if you have to tell her she looks nice you should never go above one compliment for the entire conversation. Run routines instead and steer her towards giving up something, like her MSN or her mobile or even a date. Steer her towards that as soon as you've built a basic rapport. The point of a chat is to show her you're fascinating, and get a hook for something deeper next time.
That's by no means perfect but that's how I run it and it keeps me above average.
Here's what I put as my description of me:
* My life is the most fun I've ever had :p Want to know why? This isn't the place to find out... Hit the Email Me button instead :p
So I haven't given any details, I've just said email me. I'm kind of mysterious like rencontre gratuit style, and I'm not trying too hard... I'm certainly not about to beg and plead and say how I drive a fast car or I'm loyal as a puppy or something. Here's what I put in the what you're looking for box:
* Alright so I've got my pad, got my career, I've got mates & we have a laugh... So you have five minutes to tell me where you fit in the picture.... Go!
I've kind of buckled with that one, but only a bit. I rush past the fact I have a place (not at my parents), and have some kind of job, but the focus of that line is demanding the girl justify herself. By putting her on the spot, she's right the opposite of where she expects to be. The sentence reads " Actually I don't need to be here, and frankly I don't need to bother with you. Why are you worth my time? ". That's what she does with you, she thinks why are you worth her time, but this time I got there first. That's a crucial first step, break the mould from the start.
So I see this girl and I want to mail her, what do I do. Again a lot of guys say "Hey you're so hot, I really like you... You think we could chat online please please please..." .
I try to visualise when I send her a mail, that I have five seconds to say something to her, cause I'm so busy with my life, and it'll never be about how much I lurve her etc. I might write something like this:
* Hey are you good at advice? I need a woman's opinion
* Has anyone ever done the cube on you? I'll do it on you, it'll tell you loads of deep stuff bout yourself :p
I just want to initially send her this burst of contact that is short, snappy, and leaves her wondering what's coming next. And has nothing to do with compliments or liking her. If she's hot she probably gets 100 messages a day liking her and stuff.
When I get chatting to her, I totally play it like it was a set. Ignore her looks, if you have to tell her she looks nice you should never go above one compliment for the entire conversation. Run routines instead and steer her towards giving up something, like her MSN or her mobile or even a date. Steer her towards that as soon as you've built a basic rapport. The point of a chat is to show her you're fascinating, and get a hook for something deeper next time.
That's by no means perfect but that's how I run it and it keeps me above average.
Talking with people - My 3 best tips!
Three tips:
1) Watch chick-crack shows, this can be a huge sacrifice of time and may cause your brain to liquefy and ooze out of your ears, but worth it in the long run. I suffer ‘extreme makeover’; this is especially useful as you can lead this into how people shouldn’t try to change themselves and there is nothing I would change about that cute body of yours…(as you can tell I entirely disagree with the school of thought in the community that states you shouldn’t compliment women).
2) Read Cosmo, especially the personality test stuff about gratis datingsites. I find using Style’s Cube etc. over and over again dull so why not actually learn a new and real one. Be warned though I have been shit tested with this, so I used the following:
HB “why do you read girlie mags?”
ME “Well I know you girls are secretly plotting to take over the world so I wanted to know where was safe”.
3) Take your phone with you if it has a notes or draft text message function write in some topics to bring up. This will help as an aide-de-memoire but will also help you to keep cool as you will know you have the material if you need it.
Btw I love the accent fluff darker I cant wait to use that
1) Watch chick-crack shows, this can be a huge sacrifice of time and may cause your brain to liquefy and ooze out of your ears, but worth it in the long run. I suffer ‘extreme makeover’; this is especially useful as you can lead this into how people shouldn’t try to change themselves and there is nothing I would change about that cute body of yours…(as you can tell I entirely disagree with the school of thought in the community that states you shouldn’t compliment women).
2) Read Cosmo, especially the personality test stuff about gratis datingsites. I find using Style’s Cube etc. over and over again dull so why not actually learn a new and real one. Be warned though I have been shit tested with this, so I used the following:
HB “why do you read girlie mags?”
ME “Well I know you girls are secretly plotting to take over the world so I wanted to know where was safe”.
3) Take your phone with you if it has a notes or draft text message function write in some topics to bring up. This will help as an aide-de-memoire but will also help you to keep cool as you will know you have the material if you need it.
Btw I love the accent fluff darker I cant wait to use that
Learn to communicate: Fluff talk topics
"Fluff" topics largely depend on you & the specific girl. What are you interested in, what stories do you have, what are your aspirations, what do you find is fun. You also need to keep a grip on gratis dating to where you'd like the conversation to end up, and ways for you to demonstrate value, tell funny anecdotes, turn questions round to her and get on her a date.
Some good topics I find:
- travel stories, especially ones that are exciting, unusual or adventurous
- embarassing stories, usually involving drunkenness & misbehaviour
- real or imaginary stories about friends (you can use this to introduce / screen for the qualities you want, eg by recounting your "badboy" friend who has 6 girlfriends on the go, and watching her reaction)
- both of you people-watching, especially if there is someone gaming someone else. "Hey, see that guy? I bet he's going to offer to but that girl a drink. Look, he's leaning towards her, his body language sucks"
- talking about / screening for bisexuality "the barmaid is really cute" "have you ever been to Freedom on Wardour St?" "Oh, come on, that's such a cliche... ALL girls fancy Angelina Jolie, pick someone more original"
- music (especially if your tastes are similar)
- good places to eat / drink
- psychology (leads into doing the Cube, or similar)
- foreigners & accents..... "if ah waz French, an ah spoke eeen a French accennnnt, then ah would prrrrobably already 'ave my 'and on your knee, like zis"
Some good topics I find:
- travel stories, especially ones that are exciting, unusual or adventurous
- embarassing stories, usually involving drunkenness & misbehaviour
- real or imaginary stories about friends (you can use this to introduce / screen for the qualities you want, eg by recounting your "badboy" friend who has 6 girlfriends on the go, and watching her reaction)
- both of you people-watching, especially if there is someone gaming someone else. "Hey, see that guy? I bet he's going to offer to but that girl a drink. Look, he's leaning towards her, his body language sucks"
- talking about / screening for bisexuality "the barmaid is really cute" "have you ever been to Freedom on Wardour St?" "Oh, come on, that's such a cliche... ALL girls fancy Angelina Jolie, pick someone more original"
- music (especially if your tastes are similar)
- good places to eat / drink
- psychology (leads into doing the Cube, or similar)
- foreigners & accents..... "if ah waz French, an ah spoke eeen a French accennnnt, then ah would prrrrobably already 'ave my 'and on your knee, like zis"
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